Sunday, May 3, 2009

Nick Has A Mouse In His House, Day One, Hour One

I have a mouse in my house.
I just discovered it as I opened up the cupboard under my sink to fetch some dishwashing powder, and I saw a tiny brown flash. And tiny brown flashes usually only mean one thing. A mouse! I squealed like, sexistly, a girl, or ironically, a mouse, and shut the door. Now I had had this problem before, about this time last year, when Griffith gets cold and all the reputable websites advise being indoors. And so this mouse had taken this advice and moved in. And I know how. He climbed in through behind the dishwasher, into a hole in the back of the cupboard where tubes leading to the dishwasher go. So to stop the mouse coming back in, I promptly filled the hole with steel wool, as pictured.

The little black dots are mouse poos.

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