Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hour Three and a Half

Waiting for an hour for it to come out is not the sort of thing that suits someone as impatient as me. I am in fact writing this entry because I am staving off the waiting game.
I've been trying to get a glimpse around the fridge, because this mouse is avoiding me. But not being thin enough, I can't quite manage it. Thankfully, this is where the camera comes in handy. So I've taken a series of photos to see this mouse.

Now, as you can see, it's not there. It has jumped into the back of the fridge, further complicating the situation.
What I need now is not a mousetrap or poison, but a cat. I am more than happy to see a mouse die to feed a cat. That feels natural and thoroughly uncruel. But in the lack thereof, the waiting game continues.

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