Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day Four: Gretchen

I decided it was time to name the mouse in my house, so when speaking to my brother Hugh yesterday I asked for his opinion, then ignored it. Here's a recalled transcript of the conversation:
Nick: What should I call this mouse?
Hugh: Call it Winifred?
Nick: Hmm.
Hugh: Because that way you can call it Winnie.
Nick: How about Gretchen?
Hugh: Winnie's better. I got the idea because you had written so much in the blog about poo.

So I laid the trap for Gretchen last night, baited with a tiny piece of bread. They say to use peanut butter, but I'm not buying peanut butter when the only person who is going to eat it is a mouse. So I was actually kind of dreading coming out today to see a dead mouse in the trap.
But how quickly feelings change. I came out to see not only had the trap been kept in the prone position (is that the right way to describe it), but the bread had been eaten. So not only has Gretchen eaten the food from the bait, but she's probably working on digesting it and turning it into poo as we speak. And if I find mouse poo in my slippers, I'm going to go after this mouse with the phone book.
Perhaps I shouldn't have given this mouse a girl's name considering I'm planning on making it die. Killing a girl seems highly improper.
Updates soon.

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