Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hour Three

Dang and blast. Brought down by a series of shortcuts. Or should I say, one shortcut. In my seemingly flawless scheme to redirect the mouse out of the house, it has found a gap in the route out and the mouse has hidden himself behind the fridge.
Behind the fridge. So I've blocked off the escape routes and am now trying to force it to come out so I can get rid of it. But my fridge is cumbersome and heavy, being a fridge and all, and difficult to move. I will tell you one thing weird. Mice are usually characteristically silent, unless they are in a Disney movie, like The Rescuers Down Under. But as I moved the fridge it would squeak as if it was in pain.
Now I'm not the sort of guy who will willingly cause a mouse to die a slow and painful death, so I'm hoping not to crush it. Besides, I'm finding the prospect of cleaning up a dead mouse crushed by a fridge rather gruesome and unappealing.
Instead I am banging my broom around as a way of frightening it out. As yet it is unsuccessful, but I am going to give it an hour, wait for it to calm down and come exploring, and then try to chase it out again.

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